RivHospAI Logo


Revolutionize your Hotel with tailored AI

Transform your operations to achieve new levels of efficiency and productivity.

Transform your guest experience with AI-powered personalization.

AI Hotel Interface

About Us

We revolutionize the hotel industry with cutting-edge AI automation. Our advanced systems are designed to streamline hotel operations, reduce costs, and elevate guest experiences. By combining innovative technology with industry expertise, we deliver smart solutions that maximize efficiency and drive success.




AI Powered Software

Our Services

AI Customer Support

Place QR codes in guest rooms to provide guests with instant access to a web chatbot receptionist. They can ask questions, make requests, and resolve issues 24/7—without the hassle of visiting or contacting the reception desk.

AI-Driven Personalization

We create AI tools that can analyze guest preferences from social media or past stays. It will create personalized itineraries, dining recommendations, or even custom room settings to exceed expectations.

Website Creation

We will create stunning, user-friendly website tailored to your Hotel needs integrating our AI tools.

Get in Touch

Send us a message to learn how our AI can help in your particular case. We will send you our callendar to book a call where we can uncover your perfect solution.

+48 665 912 744